Friday, December 27, 2024

The world's biggest dam near Bharat Mata

By Ramaswami Ashok Kumar, B.E., M.E., NEGENTROPIST. Bombay Sarvodaya Mandal, 299, Tardeo Road, Nana Chowk, Mumbai-400007.

© 2024 Ramaswami Ashok Kumar


Re: Three Gorges Dam, 31 million people displaced means unnecessary disturbance to enjoyable  versatile living energy at a peak power of 100 Watts per person amounting to a total power of 3100 MW which is more than 12  percent of the hydroelectricks peak rated for the Three Gorges Dam. Another report says only 1.3 million people were displaced.  The dam is occupying land including catchment area(1) at the rate of a huge  0.02 MW/km^2 compared to a paltry 1000 MW/km^2 land use by living beings including forests. Thus in contrast,  forests produce the same amount of water by groundwater recharge using  50000 fold less use of land and with automatic non-clonal or other natural modes of reproduction permanently. None of the total destruction of ecology and pandemic catastrophes will ever take place. A Chinese dolphin has become extinct because of this paltry generation compared to land use by living beings. Xi, chi is not China building the paltriest, not the biggest dam ever on the Yarlung aka Siang? Give us some details and we will let you know how disastrous is your policy like that of the other rulers in the world(2). By the way 21000 MW of addition to the world's dams by way of the Three_Gorges_Dam hydros at end 2010 caused, by contribution to world dam dynamics to input sudden shock heat to Fukushima Daichi, to cause so much temperature  rise to distill plutonium from mix with uranium to cause chain reactions uncontrollable with huge triple core melts resulting in  permanent damage to the Pacific Ocean and the escape of enough radioactivity to pollute the world. Not to speak of the tsunami that unfolded premeditated mass murder. This disaster may cause by 2028 and onwards the World infant mortality rate to exceed the birth rate of humans.
If you remove the Three Gorges Dam you will release more than one million km^2 of land or 100 million hectares  for assisted analogous diverse ecological forest regeneration  to provide 50000 fold the water impounded in Three Gorges reservoir fresh for recharging groundwaters and living with nature as the bottomline. Imagine can you of what will happen to the upstream Yarlung basin and  downstream Siang and Bangladesh ecology?Remove the world's dams and restore normal climate. See Ramaswami Ashok Kumar.2024. Reforest Mother Earth to Live: BRING BACK NORMAL CLIMATE.blogspot.


[28/12, 10:55] Ramaswami Ashok Kumar:

[28/12, 11:21] Ramaswami Ashok Kumar: The media is playing slanted journalism favoring China instead of asking questions which bring up the consequences of world dam dynamics on civilization.

[28/12, 11:38] Ramaswami Ashok Kumar: Consequences brought out over decades by Ramaswami Ashok Kumar. Check out for a sense of the unacceptability of making modern civilization's designs invalid by the world's dams at Ramaswami Ashok Kumar.2023. Reforest Mother Earth to Live: World Dam Dynamics makes Modern civilization and its designs invalid for living.



1. NASA: Rise of the Three Gorges Dam

  • Released Monday, June 11, 2007
  • LINK:
  • This visualization parallels the disastrous earthquakes caused by world dam dynamics.
  • 2. Ramaswami Ashok Kumar.2024. Reforest Mother Earth to Live: 

    The Unacceptable Consequences of geoengineering the earth by the world's dams.

  • Link:

Monday, December 23, 2024

The power of world forest regeneration

By Ramaswami Ashok Kumar, B.E., M.E., NEGENTROPIST. Bombay Sarvodaya Mandal, 299, Tardeo Road, Nana Chowk, Mumbai-400007.

© 2024 Ramaswami Ashok Kumar


Biggest source of clean power is hydro? Look at the hydroelectricks: The world hydro capacity is 1438000 MW. At 10 MW/Km^2 hydro occupies 143800 km^2 land area of the world to store water which forests do at one hundreth this use of land that forests require to store the same amount of water by charging groundwaters. So by removing the world's dams we will be releasing about 140000 km^2 or 14 million hectares for assisted analogous diverse forest regeneration.

Official policy must give top priority for natural forest regeneration. There are many ways for assisted natural forest growth. Look at this one fact for example: As noted in the brilliant book by Yuvan Aves, Intertidal- A Coast and Marsh Diary.Bloomsbury.2023: Bananas in the wild are known to accelerate the regeneration of natural forests. P 116.

This means charging groundwaters of the world every annual hydrological cycle  by about 100 times the surface water storage capacity of the world’s dams in good time and restoring the rivers to flow free again. And for world climate to return to normal. This is because 92 percent of climate change is due to the world's dams(1). And the ecology to thrive. This means we will have nature as the bottomline of living.

Tuesday, December 10, 2024

Metro car shed in metros: invalid design of cities

By Ramaswami Ashok Kumar, B.E., M.E., NEGENTROPIST. Bombay Sarvodaya Mandal, 299, Tardeo Road, Nana Chowk, Mumbai-400007.

© 2024 Ramaswami Ashok Kumar


Consider a ball park estimate of the coming catastrophe.
15 Ha of land on which 1409 trees are living.
15.4 kg/m^2 of above and below ground biomass.
The tree transpires its own weight of water daily.
At 15.4 kg/m^2 dry biomass weight, water transpired per day on 15 ha= 15.4x15x10^4 kg= 2310000 kg
Per year it is= 2310000x365= 843150000 kg or 843150 m^3. This is the groundwater charging done by the trees per year. The dam by contrast is a slave of gravity and thus cannot make the water fly and thus requires 100 times more land than the trees or 1500 ha including catchment area to store the same amount of water in its reservoir. Thus the metro car shed robs the groundwater charging done by the trees cut off and in effect to supply this much lost water to Mira Bhayander requires 140900 trees of this biomass weight to be cut off elsewhere for a dam to store the 840150 m^3 required to keep Mira Bhayander going gung-ho! Notice the positive feedback effect inherent in the world dam dynamics described above. This is the reason why the car shed must not cut any trees even ostensibly for a good reason. This positive feedback brings to us the shocking mix up of city human encroachment on nature's habitat where man is a harmonious part not such violence born out of sloth, lust, anger and greed. You can see tigers, leopards, elephants, jackals and birds and others losing out to suicide by man. Now is the time to remove the world's dams and carry out assisted forest regeneration worldwide to make our designs valid but full of austerity. Not crowd into one city and build metros with highest of high rises. To imbibe the divine attribute of austerity and true knowledge is our call for survival now.
Note that with the present anachronistic mindset, transplantation is impossible.
1. Ramaswami Ashok Kumar.2024. Reforest Mother Earth to Live: The specialists of modern civilization are blind to the dam truth.blogspot

Thursday, December 5, 2024

The sinkhole on November 30, 2024 in Wales was caused by World Dam Dynamics


Myrther Tedfil Sinkhole 30 November 2024 caused by World Dam Dynamics

By Ramaswami Ashok Kumar, B.E., M.E., Negentropist, Bombay Sarvodaya Mandal, 299, Tardeo Road, Nana Chowk, Mumbai-400007.

©2024 Ramaswami Ashok Kumar

1. Summary

Somewhere on the globe World Dam Dynamics is causing a catastrophe and the probability of the event  occurring at anytime is one hundred percent. But whether a particular site will be affected and when and where is so far an open problem. See the google earth picture of the Myrther Tedfil Housing colony in the Wales area below for the latest sinkhole occurrence caused by World Dam Dynamics. This investigation quantifies the rates and magnitudes of structural parameters during the occurrence. For this purpose earthquakes worldwide are used as proxy for deriving world dam content changes from instant to instant.

2. Re:

The giant sinkhole in the housing society forces the evacuation of 30 families.

See the sinkhole images at

World dam dynamics hit the area devastatingly as seen from the rate and magnitude horrors during November 1 2024 to December 4, 2024.

See Tables 1 and 2 for the complete picture of devastation.

3. See the picture of the sinkhole(from Reference above):

4. The Catastrophic hits every 45 minutes on the housing colony in the Wales area by World dam Dynamics is the root cause of the sinkhole.

4.1 There were 1066 instances during November 2024 to 4 December 2024 when the soil strength of 100000 Pascals was exceeded by the world dam dynamics applied shear stress every 45 minutes. The mean applied shear stress ratio was from Table 1 more than 3000(Multiple of 100000 Pascals). The sinkhole appeared in Wales instead of Vashi because the distance from the center of gravity of the world’s dams is about 10000 kms while for Vashi it is about 5000 kms! The mean shock input temperature for these 1066 dam content changes was 758 million degrees Kelvin while the sudden downward pull on the average was 15536 g’s. The water column pressure for the dam content changes was a mean of 661 Everest heights every 45 minutes. 30 families were evacuated.

4.2 The immensity of the rate and magnitude problem illustrated with one such instance of exceeding the shear strength of the soil.

From Table 2 we see that for the example of the dam content changes which occurred successively on 30th November 2024 from 13:15 hrs to 1325hrs(UTC) the rate and magnitude changes were sudden:

 4.3 In 9 seconds:

1. The dam content change applied a pressure at the site of 345 Everest heights of water column pressure(wcp) at the rate of  38.3 Everest Heights of wcp every second.

2. This resulted in the shear stress ratio changing from zero to 1593 at the rate of 176 per second.

3. The shock input temperature changed from 2474 K to 396 million K at the rate of 44 million degrees K per second.

4. The downward sudden acceleration of the sinkhole mass changed from zero to 8120 g’s at the rate of 900 g’s per second.

Conclusion. It is thus imperative to remove the world’s dams and carry out assisted forest regeneration worldwide as the number 1 priority for all the governments of the world now (5.1).

5. Reference:

5.1 Ramaswami Ashok Kumar. 2024. Reforest Mother Earth to Live: The problem of immature redevelopment at the link: