Monday, July 6, 2020


 In connection with World Ecology Law let us review the following article:
 Economic and Political weekly, January 11 1986. Pp 84-90.
 Environmental Conflicts and Public Interest Science

 Vandana Shiva and J Bandopadhyay
 Part Review by Ramaswami Ashok Kumar

 The review is done in line within the article as it proceeds.

 Date of review June-July 2020

 NB: references in the article are numbered 1,2 etc while the references in the    review are numbered R0, R1 etc.

Review copyright © 2020 Ramaswami Ashok Kumar

The emergence of Public Interest Science is critical to a just resolution of conflicts over natural resources, since in its absence, partisan science is given the status of a neutral, value-free, independent tool for resolving conflicts. However, since partisan science is cognitively rooted in special vested interests, it tends to bias public policy decisions in their favour and against public interest. In support of this argument the authors review the role of public interest science in environmental action in the Doon Valley and in the forest struggles.

This paper puts forward two central theses. Firstly, it shows potential or actual environmental or resource conflicts as the most dominant contradiction of our times(1). Secondly it views science or systematic knowledge as a central component of contemporary resource conflicts in a dual manner. As partisan reductionist science, knowledge becomes a source of environmental destruction and resource appropriation. As public interest ecological science, people’s knowledge can become a countervailing force in resource destruction mediated by partisan science. The emergence of public interest science is critical to a just resolution of conflicts over natural resources, since in its absence, partisan science is given the status of a neutral, value-free independent tool for resolving conflicts. However, since partisan science is cognitively rooted in special vested interests, it tends to bias public decisions in their favour and against the larger public interest(2).

To establish that this is not empty theorizing, but the basis of existing political struggles, two case studies are provided where public interest science has strengthened people’s struggles for a right to life and sustenance.

1.      Conflicts over natural resources

The recent period in human history contrasts with all the earlier ones in its strikingly high rate of resource utilization. Ever expanding and intensifying industrial and agricultural production has generated increasing demands on the world’s total stock and flow of resources(R1).  These demands are mostly generated from the industrially advanced countries in the North and the industrial enclaves in the underdeveloped countries in the South. Paradoxically the increased dependence of the industrialised  societies on the resources of nature through the quick spread of energy and resource intensive production technologies, has been accompanied by the spread of the myth that increased dependence on modern technologies means a decreased dependence on nature and natural resources.

This myth is supported by the introduction of long and indirect chains of resource utilization which leaves invisible real material resource demands of the industrial processes.

R. Ashok Kumar’s review

 See Tables 3.2.1a and 3.2.1b below for Input-Output Analysis bringing out this fact.

This property of modern civilization is being made a little but inadequately  transparent by the development of input-output analyses: a model of inputs and outputs  used in production, consumption and waste in modern daily life. This includes a set of statistical equations which relate the input requirements of each industry to its output. This required detailed statistical measures based on business census records and solution of thousands of simultaneous equations. This helps indicate the bottleneck obstacles that must be overcome to implement policies to attain stated but ill perceived effects of implementation of stated policies.

There is an increase of 43.5% in the use of resources from 2010 value of 1364012 to the 2017 value of 1957705  probably in 2010 constant US $.

 Look at the long chains of resource use:

See reference R1.

Original article(cont’d)

Through this combination of resource intensity at the material level and resource indifference at the conceptual and political levels, the conflicts over natural resources generated by the new pattern of resource utilisation are generally shrouded and ignored. The conflicts become visible when the resource and energy intensive industrial technologies are challenged by the communities whose survival depends on the conservation of the resources threatened by destruction and overexploitation. Or when the devastatingly destructive potential of some industrial technologies is demonstrated at a go as in the Bhopal disaster.
Ecology movements emerging from the conflicts over natural resources and the people’s right to survival are spreading in regions like the Indian subcontinent where most natural resources are already being utilised to provide the basic needs for survival to a large population. The introduction of resource and energy intensive production technologies under such conditions has the consequence of creating economic growth for a small minority while at the same time undermining the material basis for survival of the large majority.
For centuries, vital natural resources like land, water and forests had been controlled and used collectively by village communities while ensuring sustainable use of these renewable resources. The first radical change in resource control and introduction of major conflicts over natural resources induced by non-local factors was associated with colonial domination of this part of the world. The colonial domination systematically transformed the common vital resources into commodities for generating profits and growth of revenues. The first industrial revolution was to a large extent supported by this transformation of commons to commodities which made South Asian resources available for the European industries.
R. Ashok Kumar’s Review.
The effect of this transformation of common vital resources into commodities for generating profits and growth of revenues.
Imperialist specialist industrial rule’s forced domination of India and the world inaugurated the great ecological disaster which continued  even after the sun set on British imperialism with India’s simultaneous independence and dependence on the original imperialist policies. The effect is captured in two facts:
1.      The forests vanished all over India – the impoverishment and regression of the forests resulted in isolated inaccessible miniscule areas. The economy based on income from nature which was zero cost and self-sufficient for ten thousand years till 1850  was destroyed with the destruction of ecology. People congregated in the cities built by the colonialists especially for concentrating humans so that they became consumption centres for their manufactured imported goods. Population exploded(R0). The effects of this transformation can never be exaggerated. In nature, a few species are common, some less common but many are rare. When the imperialist industrial conquerors clear felled the climax forests on the Indian subcontinent and adjoining areas for their ships and wars and furniture and other infrastructure they destroyed ecology- the diversity, the balance between the species on which forests survive. These forests are lost forever. Even the miniscule isolated forest pockets are being encroached upon for roads and hydroelectric dams and other industry like coal and uranium and copper mining and gas, airports and so on. The destruction of diversity throughout the world resulted in alteration and homogenization  of species composition. Rivers were killed by dams together with the ecology of the river basins. This large scale modification by deforestation, mining, and the industrial pollution, chemicalization of agriculture all resulted in conversion of the environment and habitat into poisonous contamination of the earth- a continuous radiological, biological and chemical warfare on the earth. The signals of this modern civilization, a society of specialists, were a plenty- the 1918 flu pandemic, the bird flus, malaria, kayasanur forest disease,the series of nuclear reactor melts and the poisoning of the Pacific ocean, the devastating hurricanes and cyclones including climate change,  and many others culminating in COVID19 and the reported China  bubonic plague today. Man is as usual trying to buy a truce with the virus through a vaccine still to be made available and working without going to the root cause- modern civilization with the dams.
2.      With the forests reduced to isolated relicts, COVID19 came to isolate by fear of death by COVID19 each individual in his/her home. When the individual did not have shelter, he/she was anyway finished or left to fend for himself/herself to trudge back home walking hundreds of kilometers to the villages they originally came from because for the government they did not exist, except when it became obvious that the rich and the officials and preferred citizens were threatened with death because of the ignored masses of people and other life who could not follow the shutdown restrictions. But because the viruses are transmitted by world dam dynamics and which the partisan science would like to know nothing of, the condition of the crisis is interminable and passes from one such crisis to another- relapse and resurgence to extinction. This suicide by modern civilization is being reflected in its followers- the people of all ages and classes are committing suicide, as they feel society cannot help them.
3.      To survive the world through the UN general assembly must immediately enact the ECOLOGY ACT whereby modern civilization with emphasis on mining nature is totally abandoned and public interest science is followed so that nature is preserved even in its relicts- the isolated pockets and protected from the scourge of a society of specialists and ecology rules the day:
4.      Ecology: The branch of biology that deals  with the relations of organisms to one another and their surroundings.
5.      The lesson for policy makers from this discussion: They must undergo a strict, urgent and rigorous training in the ecology and biogeography of India(R2) and initiate and implement a rigorous set of rules to preserve life and ecology while pursuing activities for a decent living. They must recognize the hitherto ignored effects of modern civilization and its components like the world’s dams on habitats and survival of all life on earth(R3). 

R- References
R0.  Ramaswami Ashok Kumar. 2012. India Population Unstable because of Pollution. Link at
R1. ADB Data Library.2020. India Input-Output Economic Indicators. Link at
R2. M.S. Mani.1974. Ecology and Biogeography in India. Chapter V. Limiting Factors: p152-158

Sunday, June 28, 2020

Scrap the Environment Impact Assessment Notification, 2020 (hereinafter referred to as ‘EIA Notification, 2020’) and create the Ecology Law Now.

Author:  R. Ashok Kumar,B.E.,M.E., Negentropist, Bombay Sarvodaya Mandal, 299,Tardeo Road, Nana Chowk, Mumbai-400007
© 2020  Ramaswami Ashok Kumar
Kindly scrap this notification in toto. This notification will ensure along with the opening up of the shutdown of modern civilization, the hastening up of the extinction of the living species. The sixth extinction is in progress now thanks to modern civilization(Ref 3.1).
 Immediately create Ecology Law which recognizes Nature as the bottom line of all human activities within the framework of a normal civilization( Ref 3.2 and 3.3) so as to ensure survival. This will ensure application of true knowledge: To see one changeless life in all the lives, in the separate, the inseparable. Discard development based on untruth: To see the separate existences apart, and seeing them apart, to hold that to be true. Discard the practice of production, consumption and waste and implement ecologically compatible practice of returning to the earth whatever is taken. Integrate all human activities into one ecological whole to ensure happy survival in health, not just buying a truce within modern civilization which has proven to be lethal to all life. Stop this practice of radiological, biological and chemical warfare. Heed the COVID19 warning now.
3.      3. REFERENCES
3.1   Ramaswami Ashok Kumar.2020. NOW REVERDURE FOR TENDER LOVING CARE in Reforest Mother Earth to Live at the link:
3.2   Vandana Shiva et al. 1986. Environmental Conflicts and Public Interest Science.Economic and Political Weekly. January 11, 1986. Pp 84-90.
3.3 Timeless and Authorless. The Bhagavadgita.

Thursday, June 11, 2020

The Vashi Concrete Jungle and Trees

The Vashi Concrete Jungle and Trees

© 2020 Ramaswami Ashok Kumar

1.    The Analogy of graded insulation for surge protection in Vashi.

We can best use the analogy of graded insulation in surge protection of electrical systems to explain the need for ecological succession, forests, plants and trees of diverse species in habitats, in particular Vashi which is a concrete jungle in which trees are also present while the ground is paved and paved and paved. Can you find soil in Vashi? It is rare- the life giver!

2.    Mangroves,Trees In Vashi

The mangroves similarly offer the first graded protection against cyclones and monsoons. After that you have all the plants in the gardens and trees on the road-sides. There are the drains as well which are covered on the roadsides(Roots of plants in the drains?). There is the giant sucking action of trees by transpiration and osmosis at 1000 atmospheres or 10^8(Ten raised to the 8th power) N/m^2. Even in the midst of heavy rains the trees continue their giant sucking action throwing the water from the soil back to the skies. Thus the lesson to be learnt by the housing societies and all others concerned is that the trees are at the forefront of bearing the brunt of the shock force and bending moment input of the cyclones and the monsoons. The concrete jungle has the trees as a giant wind breaker and great minimizer of flooding. They fail first and moderate the surge waves hitting the buildings. It is especially important in Vashi which is below sea level and the bund is the savior! If the double bund overtops and floods enter Vashi at high tide that’s the end of the story. The mangroves and trees are crucial for survival in these days of extreme rains brought about by deforestation and damming. If some people were left to themselves they would have Aarey emptied of plants and grasses as well as destroyed the mangroves for killer sheds and widening of highways.  Incidentally that would have killed diversity and made the COVID19 or other pandemics or catastrophes to follow of proportions of pralaya(Or is it already past the tipping point?). Thus when we consider trimming, let alone hacking off of the trees, we should have these ecologically diverse elements and functions of nature in perspective to keep in place the roofs of protective sheds and other structures and preventing getting drowned.


Monday, June 8, 2020


Ignorance drives the governments

© 2020 Ramaswami Ashok Kumar

He who knows not, and knows not that he knows not, is a fool - shun him.

He who knows not, and knows that he knows not, is a child - teach him.

He who knows, and knows not that he knows, is asleep - wake him.

He who knows, and knows that he knows, is a wise man - follow him.

- Ancient saying.


So finally there is complete shutdown of modern civilization. Man has applied the precautionary principle and decided to investigate the phenomenon. It took centuries of destruction of nature to apply the brakes to the mining culture as there was no immediate truce, in the form of a ready made vaccine! Still the government is incorrigible!! It has and is proceeding to kill forests with its useless projects.
Dam is a prime example of climate change. 8 percent of climate change is caused by GHGs and 92 percent by the world's dams acting in concert. See (1).

Illegally hired and illegally fired. People trudge back home thousands of killometers, people infinitely superior to nuclear fission reactors, in the face of a faceless ignoramus. This modern civilization where anonymity is the saviour of the people in government and private service, a society of specialists cannot by definition see the connection: Forest destruction, dams, and modern civilization created COVID19 and despatched the virus into human beings so the viruses can live and people die. When industrial revolution  created dams after forests were clear felled, they did not see that the destruction of biodiversity would cause these pandemics(like the American Flu Pandemic of 1918 which killed 20 million Indians). And several other catastrophes of modern civilization(Nuclear reactor melts and destruction of the Pacific and other oceans and rivers), of by and for life killing money making far beyond, infinitely beyond needs. Skyscrapers as background image to TV anchors? Well replace the concrete jungles with analogous forests which are naturally biodiverse! Abandon modern civilization instead of undoing  the shutdown of modern civilization which means the end of all life on the planet.


Many so-called migrant workers have returned to their home states. Millions are asking for jobs. MNREGA has grads and post grads among them. Modern civilization has failed. Now in every river basin whose biodiversity has been killed or maimed by dams, kindly give people jobs in the form of creating succession forests. Involve the zoological, botanical, geological and other organisations including entomologists, anthropologists, and all others to whom what matters is to live in health, not just absence of disease. Bring back nature. Protect and preserve existing forests. Not destroying biodiversity hotspots like in Tinsukia and other remnant forests.


By defeating pandemic precautions by allowing highway builders, OIL and Coal seamers, nuke constructions, thoughtlessly, to drive holes in precious forests these unscrupulous ignoramuses are inviting even capital punishment by default, having in our perspective the suicides that modern civilization has been indulging in, like the killer COVID19. As a minimum these rulers and bureaucrats and corporates must create  monitoring, control and dispatch centres at critical locations for forests and COVID19 and others like default radiological, biological and chemical warfare practices-synergistic pollutants and contaminants, so that the deprived patients do not become burdened with searching for a safe bed in a hospital near the place they are living. Learn NOW from New York Governor Cuomo who gave daily briefs through thick and thin. He even gave the standard operating procedures which are applicable in the pandemic: All government and private hospitals are equal, shortage of equipment and staff in one hospital must be made good by drawing from hospitals which can and must spare them, on condition that they are returned after use. Shortage of staff and infrastructure  must be made good by lining up by law(if needed frame new ones in a flash like you have precedent examples galore), staff including doctors, ambulances, hospitals by the central monitoring and dispatch centre so that prospective patients do not become proxy for these centres and die in the process. For a country which is more than centuries old as far as modern civilization goes, where it has witnessed colonialism of the worst kind which could not foresee the tragedy of partition, migration,violence, hatred and famines, these rulers must be held accountable and must be made  to correct their ways. Empty skyscraper flats which are contiguous must be converted to quarantines/isolation centres and hotels must be converted to facilities for COVID19 purposes. For example look at the empty MHADA apartment complexes, if any vacant, and perhaps those at Oshiwara, Koramangala and so on.


5.1 Reforest India employing people in cooperative societies now using waters from the innumerable dams which are exceeding  the content level for this time of the year(sometimes by more than twice) and are likely to overtop and hence flood the downstream areas killing life and  diversity. Regrow nature by ecological succession but including other emergency means (like stopping unnecessary growth of powerless systems like nuclear power and thermal power and dams, highways, chemicalisation of agriculture and forests and evil GMOs and their applications to forests and agriculture)  compatible with willing growth of nature so we, the people can harvest the forest income including recharging groundwaters and resuse of rainwaters many times because of the forests and the sun. Remember the painstaking work of the various surveys of India like the botanical and zoological who enumerated the species in the remnant forests so that a base is created for monitoring and growth of biodiversity for survival.  Note that the world’s dams daily and simultaneously are destroying the ecology(balance) by responding to demands on them from instant to instant being allowed(in the false national interest) to destroy biodiversity  ending up creating COVID19 now and surely other monstrous life threatening catastrophes soon. COVID19 is the result of modern civilization in action in suicidal mode with dams as the primary drivers. The primary infections of COVID19 are created by the world’s dams in harmony with the rest of modern civilization.

5.2  Some basic facts of fundamental physiological properties of forests to be kept in perspective.
Considerations for ecological reforestation and dam removal. 

Some considerations on ecological quantification.
Let us assume 130 Tons/Ha for the density of forests in India. Area of India 3.287 million sq km or

3.287x10^6x10^6 m^2.

Table1: Calculations on Rainfall and Forests over India as on 7 August 2020.
Density of forests of India assume at
130 t/Ha
Area of India


of forests of India
The forest transpires its own weight of water in a day
The amount of water transpired/day


                    day         transpiration
Total Rainfall in India during the SW Monsoon

1              Total Normal Rainfall India     2.9583E+15 kg                          

2              122         day transpiration        5.21318E+15 kg          

3              2/1                                         1.762221546                                      

4              365 day transpiration         1.55968E+16  kg          

5              4/1                                                         5.2722202                           

6              One third  area India forested     item 4/3    5.19894E+15 kg          

7              365 day transpiration on third of India's area/                                                                                     Total Normal Rainfall India            Item 6/Item1     1.757406733      

Inference: With proper forestation with diversity respecting ecology India should be                                    adequately supplied with groundwater recharged regularly by forests.    This requires in addition the planned removal of dams while assisting in reforestation for watering also.

6. References:
1.Ramaswami Ashok Kumar.2018. PERFECT DESIGNS: Ignore root cause, get root shock: Dams the cause of Irma's Fury.
1.2.Robin Wall Kimmerer.2003. Gathering Moss: A Natural and Cultural History of Mosses. On ecological succession, mosses and rainforests.

2.  3.R. Ashok Kumar.2020. Coronavirus and Life in 2020-A Macro Perspective at the link:

3.       4R. Ashok Kumar. 2020. Finances for exiting into a normal way of life at the link:

4.      5. Annual Report,2019-2019.Zoological Survey of India at

5.       6.Annual Report.2018-2019.Botanical Sur vey of India at

6.       7.Annual Report. 2018-19.Government of India. Ministry of Environment, Forests and Climate Change.

7.       8The Baghjan Blowout: The Disastrous Oil Spill in Upper Assam and its Impacts

in Environmental Protection — by Suraj Gogoi — June 5, 2020

by Niranta Gohain, KK Chattradhara, Manash Jyoti Chutia, Suraj Gogoi & Parag Jyoti Saikia at the link: