Ignorance drives the governments
© 2020 Ramaswami Ashok Kumar
He who knows not, and knows not that he knows not, is a fool - shun him.
He who knows not, and knows that he knows not, is a child - teach him.
He who knows, and knows not that he knows, is asleep - wake him.
He who knows, and knows that he knows, is a wise man - follow him.
- Ancient saying.
So finally there is complete shutdown of modern civilization. Man has applied the precautionary principle and decided to investigate the phenomenon. It took centuries of destruction of nature to apply the brakes to the mining culture as there was no immediate truce, in the form of a ready made vaccine! Still the government is incorrigible!! It has and is proceeding to kill forests with its useless projects.
Dam is a prime example of climate change. 8 percent of climate change is caused by GHGs and 92 percent by the world's dams acting in concert. See (1).
Illegally hired and illegally fired. People trudge back home thousands of killometers, people infinitely superior to nuclear fission reactors, in the face of a faceless ignoramus. This modern civilization where anonymity is the saviour of the people in government and private service, a society of specialists cannot by definition see the connection: Forest destruction, dams, and modern civilization created COVID19 and despatched the virus into human beings so the viruses can live and people die. When industrial revolution created dams after forests were clear felled, they did not see that the destruction of biodiversity would cause these pandemics(like the American Flu Pandemic of 1918 which killed 20 million Indians). And several other catastrophes of modern civilization(Nuclear reactor melts and destruction of the Pacific and other oceans and rivers), of by and for life killing money making far beyond, infinitely beyond needs. Skyscrapers as background image to TV anchors? Well replace the concrete jungles with analogous forests which are naturally biodiverse! Abandon modern civilization instead of undoing the shutdown of modern civilization which means the end of all life on the planet.
Many so-called migrant workers have returned to their home states. Millions are asking for jobs. MNREGA has grads and post grads among them. Modern civilization has failed. Now in every river basin whose biodiversity has been killed or maimed by dams, kindly give people jobs in the form of creating succession forests. Involve the zoological, botanical, geological and other organisations including entomologists, anthropologists, and all others to whom what matters is to live in health, not just absence of disease. Bring back nature. Protect and preserve existing forests. Not destroying biodiversity hotspots like in Tinsukia and other remnant forests.
By defeating pandemic precautions by allowing highway builders, OIL and Coal seamers, nuke constructions, thoughtlessly, to drive holes in precious forests these unscrupulous ignoramuses are inviting even capital punishment by default, having in our perspective the suicides that modern civilization has been indulging in, like the killer COVID19. As a minimum these rulers and bureaucrats and corporates must create monitoring, control and dispatch centres at critical locations for forests and COVID19 and others like default radiological, biological and chemical warfare practices-synergistic pollutants and contaminants, so that the deprived patients do not become burdened with searching for a safe bed in a hospital near the place they are living. Learn NOW from New York Governor Cuomo who gave daily briefs through thick and thin. He even gave the standard operating procedures which are applicable in the pandemic: All government and private hospitals are equal, shortage of equipment and staff in one hospital must be made good by drawing from hospitals which can and must spare them, on condition that they are returned after use. Shortage of staff and infrastructure must be made good by lining up by law(if needed frame new ones in a flash like you have precedent examples galore), staff including doctors, ambulances, hospitals by the central monitoring and dispatch centre so that prospective patients do not become proxy for these centres and die in the process. For a country which is more than centuries old as far as modern civilization goes, where it has witnessed colonialism of the worst kind which could not foresee the tragedy of partition, migration,violence, hatred and famines, these rulers must be held accountable and must be made to correct their ways. Empty skyscraper flats which are contiguous must be converted to quarantines/isolation centres and hotels must be converted to facilities for COVID19 purposes. For example look at the empty MHADA apartment complexes, if any vacant, and perhaps those at Oshiwara, Koramangala and so on.
5.1 Reforest India employing people in cooperative societies now using waters from the innumerable dams which are exceeding the content level for this time of the year(sometimes by more than twice) and are likely to overtop and hence flood the downstream areas killing life and diversity. Regrow nature by ecological succession but including other emergency means (like stopping unnecessary growth of powerless systems like nuclear power and thermal power and dams, highways, chemicalisation of agriculture and forests and evil GMOs and their applications to forests and agriculture) compatible with willing growth of nature so we, the people can harvest the forest income including recharging groundwaters and resuse of rainwaters many times because of the forests and the sun. Remember the painstaking work of the various surveys of India like the botanical and zoological who enumerated the species in the remnant forests so that a base is created for monitoring and growth of biodiversity for survival. Note that the world’s dams daily and simultaneously are destroying the ecology(balance) by responding to demands on them from instant to instant being allowed(in the false national interest) to destroy biodiversity ending up creating COVID19 now and surely other monstrous life threatening catastrophes soon. COVID19 is the result of modern civilization in action in suicidal mode with dams as the primary drivers. The primary infections of COVID19 are created by the world’s dams in harmony with the rest of modern civilization.
5.2 Some basic facts of fundamental physiological properties of forests to be kept in perspective.
Considerations for ecological reforestation and dam removal.
Some considerations on ecological
Let us assume 130 Tons/Ha for the density of
forests in India. Area of India 3.287 million sq km
3.287x10^6x10^6 m^2.
Table1: Calculations on Rainfall and
Forests over India as on 7 August 2020.
Density of forests of India assume at
130 t/Ha
Area of India
| of forests of India |
The forest transpires its own weight
of water in a day
The amount of water transpired/day
| day transpiration |
Total Rainfall in India during the SW
1 Total Normal Rainfall India 2.9583E+15 kg
2 122 day transpiration 5.21318E+15 kg
3 2/1 1.762221546
4 365 day transpiration 1.55968E+16 kg
5 4/1 5.2722202
6 One third area India forested item 4/3 5.19894E+15 kg
7 365 day transpiration on third of
India's area/ Total Normal Rainfall India Item
6/Item1 1.757406733
With proper forestation with diversity respecting ecology India should be adequately
supplied with groundwater recharged regularly by forests. This requires in addition the planned removal of dams while assisting in reforestation for watering also.
6. References:
1.Ramaswami Ashok Kumar.2018. PERFECT DESIGNS: Ignore root cause, get root shock: Dams the cause of Irma's Fury.
in Environmental Protection — by Suraj Gogoi — June 5, 2020
by Niranta Gohain, KK Chattradhara, Manash Jyoti Chutia, Suraj Gogoi & Parag Jyoti Saikia at the link:
1.2.Robin Wall Kimmerer.2003. Gathering
Moss: A Natural and Cultural History of Mosses. On ecological succession,
mosses and rainforests.
2. 3.R. Ashok Kumar.2020. Coronavirus and
Life in 2020-A Macro Perspective at the link:
3. 4. R. Ashok Kumar. 2020. Finances for
exiting into a normal way of life at the link:
4. 5. Annual Report,2019-2019.Zoological
Survey of India at
5. 6.Annual Report.2018-2019.Botanical
Sur vey of India at
6. 7.Annual Report. 2018-19.Government of
India. Ministry of Environment, Forests and Climate Change.
7. 8. The Baghjan Blowout: The Disastrous
Oil Spill in Upper Assam and its Impacts
in Environmental Protection — by Suraj Gogoi — June 5, 2020
by Niranta Gohain, KK Chattradhara, Manash Jyoti Chutia, Suraj Gogoi & Parag Jyoti Saikia at the link:
COVID19 pandemic is a consequence of the disease called modern civilization. Damming rivers and thus killing them and massive deforestation by the society of specialists since the industrial evil revolution destroyed all biodiversity until the COVID19 took over to kill humans. You are opening the shutdown by the Athirapally river killer and you will be finished by world dam dynamics. You do not know and you do not know that you do not know. You must be replaced by one who knows and knows that he knows. One who has despecialised his vision and allows nature to be the bottomline of governance, not skyscrapers built by illegally brought people and illegally thrown out people.
The cwma and all stakeholders must take into account the root cause of extremes of rain and therefore of droughts. 92 percent of climate change is due to the world's dams and ONLY 8 percent is due to ghgs. The solution not only here but everywhere else is the removal of the world’s dams and regenerating forests of analogous local diversity and in increasing the area under sufficient biomass density so that at least 50 percent of land area is under thick forest cover and maintained as in the days of emperor Ashoka as revealed by stone etchings. If we do this, the rain would return to normal conditions. See Ramaswami Ashok Kumar.2021. The Indian SW MONSOON INTRA-SEASONAL VARIABILITY IS CAUSED BY THE WORLD'S DAMS.blogspot.
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