Wednesday, December 28, 2022

Haikus on Living Species


Haikus on Species

© 2002-2003 Ramaswami Ashok Kumar


Maye tvam yahi

Hand-made paper please!

This is very fine paper

Is this recycled?


Take this for granted:

It’s trivial for nature

To create new species.


To create species

Nature chooses the fittest

Darwin discovered.


What’s the wild process 

To identify species

What’s a new species?


Don’t transgress others

In your haste to be the first

To claim new species!


Nature’s beautiful

Nature’s species are unique

Just Maye's moment


Timeless authorless

The Gita's absolute truth

Species not distinct


Species not distinct

Species separate not true

In the timeless sphere!


Take Hoolock Gibbons

East or West is the same ape

The wild man’s Maya!


The world’s moth species

Hundred and sixty k odd

Butterflies tenth moths


But now Namdapha

Deforested and moths gone

Enumerate now!


Every dense moment

Created  new creatures now

Truth of  Goedel’s sets!


Only the wild man

In his haste for name and fame

Goes for less than truth


Maye tvam yahi!

Don’t you create nuisance here!

Truth is aggregate.


Truth is aggregate

Aggregate of everything



Story of macaques

Of Arunachal Pradesh

Constantly changes!


Monitor them all

State your process completely

Bottomline nature


In the process please

Do not forget others’ rights

To participate


Please Live and let live!

Truth of the despecialised

Let your science respect.


So stated haikus

With despecialised vision

R Ashok Kumar’s


Haikus on species

28th of December

2022 year's.


Haikus on species

28th of December

R Ashok Kumar.

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