Monday, August 26, 2024

Timeless Costless Way to Normality based on Truth.

By Ramaswami Ashok Kumar, Negentropist, Bombay Sarvodaya Mandal, 299, Tardeo Road, Nana Chowk, Mumbai-400007 

(C) Copyright.2024. Ramaswami Ashok Kumar.





The phenomenon that confronts us daily is called modern civilization, a society of specialists. In this society across the globe, the wild man, let alone not being interested in the security and welfare of fellow human beings, is uninterested in living beings in general. Rape and murder and infact omnicide is proceeding as an epidemic across the globe across all living beings presided over by the wild persons. That is why Mahatma Gandhi warned in 1908 in his classic treatise Hind Swaraj: The West can meet the East when the West throws overboard almost the whole of modern civilization. The West can also meet the East when the East embraces modern civilization. And he continued: Given enough time modern civilization will destroy itself. The solution lies not in continuing with this suicide but to rise above this and adopt a normal civilization based on truth and small self sufficient communities. The Gita for instance shows a successful way with a little bit of trust in harmony with nature.  Respect living beings and nurturing one another live in full enjoyable employment of living energy. Let production, consumption and RETURN be the law for zero cost wasteless life.


Ramaswami Ashok Kumar said...


Dams require one hundred times or more land than what forests use to provide the same amount of water by ground water recharging. You can well imagine what this horrendous waste of land and forests has meant for unacceptable permanent destruction of Habitats has meant for ALL LIFE. See Ramaswami Ashok Kumar.2024. Reforest Mother Earth to Live: BRING BACK NORMAL CLIMATE.blogspot.

Ramaswami Ashok Kumar said...


This retrograde averaging analysis of the whole earth surface temperature hides the frequent every 4 minute average shock temperature input by world dam dynamics of a core temperature of the sun or higher at disaster locations. Many a time the maximum would reach billions of degrees Kelvin. Also the push/pull effect on the earth at disaster area would be hundreds of thousands of g's. Thus the averaging total surface earth temperature of rise of 1.5 C compared to pre-industrial levels effectively camouflages the real world dam dynamics effect so the citizens are deflected from the dam truth. Vested interest science emphasizes ghgs and ignores the sun's core temperature effect at the disaster area. Read a host of studies on climate change effects caused by world dam dynamics at My Complete Profile at Ramaswami Ashok Kumar.

Ramaswami Ashok Kumar said...


This clearance is totally unacceptable. We can definitely do without oil but we need, repeat need SOIL which is natural and has remained fertile.
Hoolock Gibbons the only ape in India is irreplaceable. Stop this madness and impeach the authorities forthwith.