Saturday, March 23, 2019

With mangroves gone, Vashi which is below sea level is destined to be submerged

Copyright © 2014-2019 Ramaswami Ashok Kumar  All rights exercised

Mangrove destruction cases doubled in Mumbai in 2018, but no ...

Dec 18, 2018 - Of the 275 cases of mangrove destruction in Mumbai in 2018, 271 cases ... Of this, close to 4,500 ha is on government-owned land and remaining in private areas. ... 10 from Navi Mumbai – were arrested for violations of Indian Forest Act, ... cutting of high tide water or isolated instances of mangroves being ...

There is a serious problem in areas especially Vashi,Navi Mumbai which is terribly below sea level so there is the double dam like embankment uniquely built in Vashi to protect Vashi from ingress of sea water and maintenance of freshwater below the ground. But this was designed with luxurious mangroves enjoying their functions of maintaining groundwater levels through their density and fundamental physiological properties of osmosis and transpiration. For example the present  destruction of mangroves of 4500 acres in Mumbai-Navi Mumbai area has resulted in the destruction of such life preserving water table maintenance by mangroves to the extent of water requirement for 1.5 million households annually.Thus the entire population of Navi Mumbai of 1.2 million households has been deprived of the groundwater resource made available by this 4500 acre mangroves. NMMC please take action NOW against mangrove destruction.

R. Ashok Kumar,B.E.,M.E(Negentropist), Bombay Sarvodaya Mandal, 299, Tardeo Road, Nana Chowk, Mumbai-400007 

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