Thursday, August 1, 2024




© 2024 Ramaswami Ashok Kumar


Hari smarane ml vasanthakumari


Net zero emissions OK but solves only 8% of climate change. 92 percent of climate change is caused by the World’s dams. Dams use 100 times more land for surface water storage than forests which recharge groundwaters by the same amount of water. Dams destroy ecology and have produced the American flu pandemic of 1918-1919 and the Covid19 pandemic of  2019-2023. The earthquakes in the dam era are ubiquitous and caused by dams. Dams caused the great 9.3 MM moment magnitude 2004 Andaman - Sumatra earthquake and tsunami killing 300000 people and destroyed the Naval Base at Port Blair. The world's dams also caused the permanent shutdown of the 10000 MW Kashiwasaki Kariwa nuclear Park in July 2007 and the great 9.0 MM magnitude Tohoku earthquake resulting in the  destruction and explosion on 11 March 2011  and onward of  the Fukushima Daichi nuclear Park melting three cores which could not be traced and the radioactive contamination of the Pacific Ocean and  tsunami killing 20000 people. The dams are causing climate change and every now and then cause geomorphological changes amounting to the movement of ten trillion tons of earth in minutes equivalent to one thousand one megaton hydrogen bomb explosions! Dams have made the designs of modern civilization invalid for living.
Remove the dams applying public interest science. Employ living beings in cooperatives giving full enjoyable employment to people to carry out assisted forest regeneration worldwide. The forests equitably distribute nutritious water using the infinite negentropy of the sun and the earth reuses this water in cycles of osmosis and transpiration multiple times. This does not create earthquakes but brings back the climate to normal in proportion to the density of vegetation in harmony. Check out Ramaswami Ashok Kumar.2022.INDIAN SW MONSOON INTRA-SEASONAL VARIABILITY IS CAUSED BY THE WORLD'S DAMS.blogspot.



All the world's nations are responsible for climate change. 92 percent of climate change is due to the world's dams and ONLY 8 percent is due to ghgs.  Earthquakes are caused by the world's dams in the dam era with a frequency of three orders of magnitude fold compared to predam era. These are used as proxy to determine the world's dam content changes which determine the geomorphological changes of moving ten trillion tons of earth or more because of forces and water moments equivalent to or more than one thousand one megaton hydrogen bomb explosions. These gigantic hits by World Dam Dynamics are superposed on the local biogeography and swamp any local contributions to local extremes of rain.This is the root cause of the Wayanad multiple landslides, deaths and destruction as well as the Wayanad area extremes of rain.

A snapshot of the data generated by me on Mundakkai is shown below in Table 1.
The Impact

In 806.1223 hours during 1 July 2024 to 3 August 2024 there were 688 dam content changes worldwide resulting in the applied shear stress by dams exceeding the shear strength of Mundakkai soil of 100 kPas. Between 19th July 1:50 h(UTC) when the world’s dams caused a 7.4 MM moment magnitude earthquake till 23 July 2024 23:55 h(UTC) there were 103 earthquakes caused by dams and the corresponding dam content changes resulted in the shear stress of Mundakkai village soil to exceed the shear strength of soil. This was the time when the landslides were observed and which  killed more than 400 people as per estimates provided in the media. Hundreds are still trapped in the mudslides.


Ramaswami Ashok Kumar said...

Relevant education to bring climate to normal

Modern civilization, a society of specialists has made every specialization invalid because of world dam dynamics. One must recognize that human beings are one part of nature and not its master.Only by making nature the bottomline of job creation recognizing the equality of all that is, recognizing that transcending all is the unknowable can humans survive networked with all in a community in climax of harmonious peace. See Ramaswami Ashok Kumar. Online real-time book My Complete Profile at the link:

Recognize the dams for what they are: the very embodiment of evil which destroy the million year ecological communities Upstream and Downstream of dam! Go beyond your nose to find out the marvel of flora, fauna including invertebrata! They use land at hundred fold less than dams to charge groundwaters with the same amount of water. Dams are slaves of gravity being dead inert matter! But plants are living beings and are masters of gravity! Let there be relevant education. For growth with full employment and enjoyment of all life into climax of harmony with respect for nature.

Ramaswami Ashok Kumar said...


This illustrates well the fact that public interest requires phenomena to be viewed and interpreted by despecialising one's vision. This editorial
spans well the disasters but the interpretation that these are natural disasters is a travesty of truth. The specialist orientation disregarding the mechanism of world dam dynamics in destroying all that is, is suicidal. The sooner this outdated educational system born out of modern civilization, a society of specialists is discarded, the better it will be for the public interest. Public Interest is above this society of specialists. Hint: Study the Bhagavadgita and interpret it in the light of all the disasters caused by dams.
Reference: Ramaswami Ashok Kumar. My Complete Profile: Online realtime book available as a link at the author's blog Reforest Mother Earth to Live: BRING BACK NORMAL CLIMATE.blogspot 

Ramaswami Ashok Kumar said...

Apply the Precautionary principle and stop the projects as they have become invalid for living and chart new policy.
There is one more fundamental aspect which requires application of the Precautionary Principle which bluntly means stop all projects under modern civilization, a society of specialists till the riddle of making each one of these project designs valid for living is solved. See Ramaswami Ashok Kumar. My Complete Profile: Online realtime book. Get the link with a search engine for the above name and click on