Saturday, September 21, 2024

The specialists of modern civilization are blind to the dam truth

By Ramaswami Ashok Kumar, Negentropist, Bombay Sarvodaya Mandal, 299, Tardeo Road, Nana Chowk, Mumbai-400007.

© 2024 Ramaswami Ashok Kumar


Haikus on carbon capture

The percentages
Greenhouse Gases eight percent
The rest by the dams

Stop lies on climate
Dams root cause of climate change 
Remove the world's dams.

Hundred fold land drowned
Dams bury homes of all life
Slaves of gravity 

Hundred-fold land drowned
Than forests to store water
Same as world's dams do!

Dams make designs void
Changes quicker than nature's
This is omnicide

The power of dams
Trillions of watts instant change
Negentropy killed.

Restore world's forests
Allow regeneration 
With your assistance.

Plants make waters fly
Yes, fly all over the world
Defy gravity!

Living power plants'
Infinite compared to dams
Allow them to save us.

Further brothers and sisters, 


Unneeded voluntary extra work for doctors by release of DVC dam waters.
World Dam Dynamics has made living much more difficult by causing extreme climatic changes. Dams are slaves of gravity and since they are inert are unable to pump waters high into the sky unlike living beings like forests(1). The sun's infinite negentropy sucks groundwaters through the trees and other plants high into the sky using osmosis and transpiration in proportion to the dry biomass density of vegetation. This automatic atmospheric distribution network of plants recharge groundwaters through multiple reuse cycles driven by the sun. This enables plants to distribute nutritious water throughout the world at two orders of magnitude less land use than what dams use to deliver the same amount of water. See Indian land use during dam era(Fig 1) and before(Fig.2):

Figure 1 Land use in India during Dam Era(2024). Derived from Ref.1.

Figure 2 Land use before Dam Era, 1794.

Note that since dams use hundred or more times land than forests to provide the same amount of water, we should expect that Figure 1 transforms to Figure 2 when dams are removed worldwide and by assisted forest regeneration. We can expect habitat preservation and avoidance of conflict between humans and flora and fauna(2).

Further dam removal and assisted forest regeneration will bring back normal climate and prevent dam made catastrophes like earthquakes, extremes of rain and geomorphological changes of moving more than ten trillion tons of earth in minutes equivalent to one thousand one megaton hydrogen bomb explosions. Check out Ramaswami Ashok Kumar.2024.Reforest Mother Earth to Live: BRING BACK NORMAL CLIMATE.blogspot.



1. Ramaswami Ashok Kumar.2016. PERFECT DESIGNS: The average happiness created by the dams of the world is zero: They are extinction breeders. Replace them with forests.


2. Ramaswami Ashok Kumar.2024. Reforest Mother Earth to Live: 

Tamasic looting of land is suicidal.


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